G a l l e r y V i e w s
Click on images to enlarge
Karen Kirshner with ©Drums & Fiddles,and ©Hoochie-Coochie, at George Billis Gallery Spring Group Show2025Acrylic on canvas
12 x 12 in. eachBoth new paintings are on exhibit now and available for purchase at the George Billis Gallery, March 2025.
©Karen L. Kirshner, all rights reserved.
KLKirshner's paintings in the George Billis Gallery booth at the Scottsdale Ferrari Art Fair2025©Karen L. Kirshner
KLKirshner's Red Scene was selected by the jurors and curator for the Big Screen Plaza exhibition event on March 23.March, 2025©Karen L. Kirshner
The curator and artists in the (international, juried) Sprung exhibition2025Photo credit: E.R. Peters
Art show focused on the color YELLOW2025Kirshner has It's a New Day! on exhibit in April 2025
Art Groove is an invitational Hamptons Exhibition in April
Kirshner's Purple Peaks painting on exhitbit at the D. Velez Gallery, in Colors II.2025©Karen L. Kirshner, Purple Peaks.
Photo by KLKirshner, Huntington Village Holiday deorations 2024
The Huntington Arts Council Fundraiser Dec. 2024Kirshner had Channel to Mexico on the wall for the event, at the start of the exhibition.
Huntington Arts Council -Small WorksBig Impact
Dec. 2024
It's time to do some Xmas shopping at D. Velez Gallery2024Three or Kirshner's 12 x 12 in.paintings are on exhibit and they make joyful gifts.
D. Velez Fine Art Gallery, Everything I Ever Want for Xmas is Art
Dec. 2024
Kirshner with her painting, Remember Our Conversation, at D. Velez Exhibition
Kirshner with one of her works at the Everything I Ever Want for Xmas Exhibition2024©Inaspiration
Karen Kirshner with one of her three paitnings in the D. Velez holiday exhibition 20242024©Karen L. Kirshner, Premonition of a Hobby-horse.
Great opportunity to buy a piece of collectible fine art at the Lucore Art Gallery in Montauk, NY2024A new 24 x 24 in. Kirshner abstract painting is on exhibit and available for purchase.
2024Kirshner's ©Dynamic in Stuidio SOLD!
Red Dot Miami GB Booth
Dec. 2024
Red Dot Miami with George Billis Gallery December 2024Karen's paintings, Abundance, Dynamic in Studio, and Drums & Fiddles are on display here, with George Billis Gallery. (The lighting in the photo isn't great, as there is a Mercury Retrograde). There is another painitng, The Heart of the Matter, which may or may not be shown another day.
Someone photographing ©Abundance at Red Dot Miami. It is copyright protected. Is it a compliment or something nefarious, an artist never knows.
Art admirersat Red Dot Miami, with the George Billis GalleryDecember 2024Kirshner's paintings are ©Abundance on top and ©The Heart of the Matter below.
A few of the paintings on exhibitat Sunflower Fine Art Galleries2024There's© A Bit of Abundance, All that Jazz, and Come to the Jamboree and two huge 48 x 36 in. embellished giclees of popular large abstract paintings by Kirshnerare available for purchase
Artists at the D. Velez Gallery party at the Velez-Smith homeDec. 2024Long Island, NY
The cover of the Heckscher Museum's quarterly publication with Kirshner's The Mission on the cover
Karen with Helaine Sollar, President of Women in the Arts Foundation, Inc., holding the Heckscher's publication with Karen' The Mission on cover2024A serendipitous moment, when the Heckscher Museum chose Kirshner's painting for its cover. It is an unexpected honor Kirshner greatly appreciates.
Dan Christofell, PhD, the artist and LIUretired Art Professor and Karen, with Karen's work The Mission, at the Heckscher Museum 2024Dan was the juror of the 2023 Art League of LI Annual Members' Exhibition, where he gave Karen an Award of Excellence for Red Scene 3. Since then he has been at other showings as Karen and always very supportive,
Dan Christofell and Karen Kirshner at the Heckscher Biennial 2024Karen wishes she had taken classes with him, but he is retired now. "I should have listened to my mother and been an artist and art professor" Karen now says.
Karen with her painting, The Mission at the Heckscher Biennial
acrylic on canvas
Karen Kirshner talking about The Mission at the Heckscher Museum 2024It was the day the artist and a few others spent the afternoon at the museum, discussing their work with visitors.
The Harvard group visiting the Heckscher's Biennial Exhibition were a welcome group of art afficianados
The crowd of art lovers, from the a Harvard group's tour listened as Karen spoke
Karen at the Log Island Museum's Milestones Exnibition with her painting, ©Warrior Dance, 2024
Kirshner's Warrior Dance, 2024 at the Long Island Museum, in the Milesones Exhibition
George Billis Gallery, Chelsea for group show, November 2024
©Karen L. Kirshner2024Many peole who know the artist, know she takes artful photos. Other than her texceptional father, Karen was always the family photographer,
©Karen L. Kirshner, photo shot from the passenger seat by the artist
November 2024
Reaching for the stars, Kirshner points to her painting at Guild Hall's 85th Annual Members Exhibition, Nov. 2024©Karen L. Kirshner, Tipping Point, 2024
It is a whimsical, surreal abstract 24x24" painting, that needed to be at eye-level, but with 300 paintings to hang salon style, the painting was not in a position that was at its greatest disadvantage. It has a lot of detail that is missed at a distance.
©Karen L. Kirshner, Tipping Point, 2024
©Karen L. Kirshner, Channel to Mexico,2024Acrylic on canvas
10 x 10 inchesPainting Kirshner created for the Huntintong Arts Counncil fundraiser 2024. Art buyers uyers must purchase tickets to participate in the fundraising event.The funds will be used to fund art programs for. children and teens.
Article about the Heckscher Biennial, includes story about Karen's participationThe article appears in all the the LI Herald's publications in print and online.
The article about the Heckscher Exhibition2024Appears on all LI Herald publications in print and online
Karen with her Garden Party at Blue Mountain GalleryIt was in an exhibition of World Wide International artists in 2024.
Always ready to discuss my artorsAt one of the NYC exhibitions where my work was on display.
Kirshner's A Bit of Abundance, All the Jazz, and Come to the JamboreeA few paintings on exhibit now (changed periodically) at the Sunflower Fine Art Galleries in West Hempstead/Garden City South, NY
Karen Kirshner's larger works as embellished giclees at Sunflower Fine Art GalleryIn the office, the work is available for viewing and purchase. A few paintings are on display on a wall as you enter the gallery.
2024Karen Kirshner with her painting, © Chitter Chatter at a Manhattan exhibition
Artist Mark Vogler and artist KLKirshner with Kirshner's Windows to a New World painting.
At the D. Velez Fine Art Gallery in a group show
Karen Kirshner at the D. Velez Gallery with three of her paintings, the one here is Windows to a New World
Acrylic on canvas
48 x 36 in.
Kirshner's Garden Party, on display at the Art Walk 2024b.j.spoke gallery, Huntington, NY
In a LIC exhibition with ©Yellow River Running
©Chitter Chatter, by Karen L. Kirshner on exhibit with the NY Society of Wonen Artists,In Chelsea, NYC 2024
Karen Kirsner at the White Room Gallery perhaps, in 2018Kirshner with her painting, ©Rhapsody #4, 2018, currently owned by a collector in Rhinebeck, NY.
Karen's Garden Party received a lot of attention at the Blue Mountain Gallery. One man studying the work was asked if he liked it, and he told Kirshner,," It should be in MOMA."
Kirshner with her painting, Chitter Chatter with the NY Society of Women Artists' exhibition
summer 2024
Seeing reflection on her birthday, in a great sculture garden at the Nassau Counnty Museum of Art
October 2024
Members' Showcase at D. Velez Gallery 2024
Karen stares into The Eye of the Storm painting2024Acrylic on canvas
60 x 36 in.©Karen L. Kirshner, The Eye of the Storm, 2024, at the George Billis Gallery booth, Hamptons Fine Art Fair, 2024.
Karen Kirshner with fellow artist and dear friend, Lieve Theirs at the Hamptons Fine Art Fair2024Kirshner's paintings behind them on wall, she exhibited with the George Billis Gallery in the fair, located in Southampton, NY.
Karen L. Kirshner, is in the Heckscher Museum’s Biennial2024This year, it is themed,”The Body Politic.”
Karen Kirshner with Best in Show painting, ©Visionary's Fugue2024Westbury Arts, Westbury, NY
Best in Show Award at Westbury Arts 2024KLKirshner's Visionary's Fugue received Best in Show from juror, Reine Emiesh of DeMouzy Gallery and Consultants, Rockville Centre, NY
© Karen L. Kirshner's VIsionary's Fugue, 2024 received BEST IN SHOW AWARD2024Acrylic on canvas
Westbury Arts'
Imagination Revealed 2024,
Judge: Reine Emiesh founder and owner of DeMouzy Art Gallery and Consultancy, LI, NY,
Photo credit: Meagan Meehan, Curator
Kirshner at Westbury Arts with her BEST IN SHOW Awarded ©Visionary's Fugue, 2024
Discussing the show, Artist's Choice 2024b.j. spoke gallery, Huntington, NY
Kirshner and de Buitlear exhibiting together in Artist's Choice2024Karen chose her very talented watercolorist/pastel landscape artist, Grainne deBuitlear to be her guest artist on exhibit.
PIZZAZ Solo Exhibition at the Paramount Theatre2022KLKirshner's solo show of large paintings at the landmark, famous Paramount Theatre, NY Ave., Huntington, NY
© Karen Kirshner's Chitter- Chatter at the Blue Mojuntain Gallery2024Acrylic onn canvas
New York Society of Women Artists' Read, Right and True Declarations of Creative Independence
Exhibition, Chelsea, NYC.
George Billis and Karen Kirshner at the Hamptons Art Fair 2024
A couple of lovebirds, Steven and Danielle at the Hamptons
Karen Kirshner with two paintings for the July exhibition at Bj Spoke Gallery 2024©️ Karen Al Kirshner, The Secret, and ©️Alla Turca, 2024.
©The city by Karen L. Kirshner
KLKirshner being photographed with her paintings on the Big Screen in Manhattan2024©Fortunate Footnote and © I Read Your Letter exhibited in Balance, an exhibition of the Arthouse NYC, May 2024
KLKirshner with a couple of "little ones", at her solo Epiphany2024Acrylic
12 x12 in.©Open House, and ©Humane Metamorphosis, 2024
© Karen Kirshner a segment of a painting, in a promo for solo show 2024 Epiphany Solo Exhibition bj spoke gallery April 2024.
©Windows to a New WorldAcrylic
48 x 36 inchesThis is the painting in the front window for KLKirshner's EPIPHANY solo show, April 3- 28, 2024. A woman from Manhattan wanted to buy it yesterday, but I had been told I could not sell it until the fall, due to an entry in another show. Turns out that is delayed and it could have been sold. People seem to love it.
Epiphany Exhibition
April 2024
E. Peters serves up the refreshmentsThe paintings behind her are by other gallery members.
Two bright-eyed Huntington art fans, and a budding art critic
Inside the cove, a small giclee
The artist's self=portrait throu the mirror with a John A. Bell sculpture
Froemds at solo exhibition, 2024
The artist Karen Kirshner with Mary Dono, lart lecturer, and Pamela Waldroup, photographer, 2024
In the little cove at bj spoke, part of Kirshner's colo exhibition 2024
Kirshner with her paintings, the one on the wall is Let's Do the Twist, at the bj spoke gallery solo.
Friends at the solo exhibition 2024
President Hellen Soller of the Women in the Arts organization at Kirshner's solo exhibition
Karen Kirshner with Steven Smith, co-owner of D. Velez Art Gallery of Huntington, at Kirshner's solo exhibition, bj spoke gallery, 2024
Painting and collages by Karen L. Kirshner in the solo show 2024
Kirshner's work on the wall with lighting for photography, Epiphany Exhibition prep, 2024
The well-know photographer, Pam Waldrup and an art collector Kirshner's solo exnibition
A long-time collector and artist, Rene at the Epiphany solo exhibition, 2024
Art admirers and collectors at bj spoke gallery, for Karen's solo show, 2024
Karen Kirshner with rellow artist at Kirshner's Epiphany Solo Exhibition, bj spoke gallery, 2024
Kirshner's solo show being photographed at bj spoke
©Crowd Control SOLD March 2024It was delightful news, that the popular painting sold to a couple who loved it, late March, in the World of Color exhibition at the D. Velez Art Gallery, in Huntington, NY
© Karen L.Kirshner, Red Scene at bj spokeMarch 2024It is a classic Kirshner, in the Pop-Surreal- Abstract style, vs. her Complex- Intelligent Abstract style. Both of her styles captivate the public.
GOLD Award, Camelback GalleryDecember 2023Originally, the award was issued and the other painting Rush Hour was indicated with the Red Scene image. This is the corrected certificate issued. Red Scene has won numerous awards!
bj spoke gallery fundraiser, 2024Kirshner's 12x12 in. painting on board sold
World of Color at Velez Art Gallery Group Show2024Four of KLKirshner's paintings and some limited edition high-resolution matted prints exhibited in the March 2024 exhibit.
The Velez Art Gallery is the newest gallery in Huntington, NYOwned by a fine contemporary realistic oil painter, Daniela Velez, an SVA graduate and member of the Salamagundi Club in NYC.She appreciates abstract art and likes Kirshner's artwork.
Karen Kirshner with her painting, ©The Gathering March 2024 exhibitFour KLKirshner paintings on exhibit at the D. Velez Art Gallery included The Gathering, Rivaling Faith, Orchestration in Red, and Crowd Control (sold).
The New York Society of Women Artists show at the Steinberg Museum,LIU2024Kirshner exhibited Journey beneath theSurface.
The New York Society of Women Artists
Karen Kirshner with her painting, Journey beneath the surface, with with someone admiring the painting.
Artist Sheila Hecht and a friend pose with Kirshner's painting.Steinberg Museum, Long Island University, NY
Karen Kirshner at reception, George Billis Gallery, Chelsea, NYCMarch group show. Kirshner has Warrior Dance and three 12x12 in. paintings on display.
Karen Kirshner with her painting, ©Warrior Dance, 2024
An admirer of Kirshner's painting stands beside her as he finally gets close to the work in the busy reception
Two of Kirshner's smaller works are in the window.
I have two of my new collages on exhibit in the Westbury Arts Works on Paper2024#1 and #2 collages were juried into the show.
Karen Kirshner with two collages that are upper left and lower right on same wall with two collages.2024Paper collage
©Karen L. Kirshner's #1 on top left, and #2 on bottom right. Artist/sculptor friend Gail Meyers two smaller collages are on the same wall.
Chatting at the reception, January 6,2024
Westbury Arts Reception show Ms. Kirshner with photographer Susan Tiffen and artist Ronnie, both in the exhibition, the images on the wall behind us are by another artist. The exhibition, like the one prior, although juried, did not include awards.
KLKirshner with her rnew pop painting ©Anticipation...Expectation at the Islip Arts Council Juried exhibition, A Moment in Time, in Bayshore, LI,
An artist's life isn't complete without frequent visits to the Metropolitan Museum to Art!
Karen Kirshner with her painting Warrior Dance2024At the George Billis Gallery in Chelsea, NYC Spring (March - May 31) 2024
The artist donned wings and is flying away2024The wings were at the Broadway Mall, Hicksville, NY
Guild Hall's 84th Annual Members' Exhibition 2023East Hampton, LI, NY
Karen Kirshner points to her painting, "The Mission"2023Guild Hall, East Hampton, NY
Some of the people who made the exhibition possible2023Guild Hall, East Hampton, NY
A special art patron having a good time2023Guild Hall, East Hampton
Grainne deBuitlear, fine artist 2023Grainne is a friend who paints beautiful landscapes in oil. She is standing by her painting at Guild Hall.
The galleries were about to close.Guild Hall, Members' Reception
Karen Kirshner has been nominated best artist/painter on Long Island 2024The link to the page for voting: https://www.bestoflongisland.com/voting/#/gallery?group=469505
Karen Kirshner with a few of her paintings, Surreal Journey and two othersOctober 2023In the group show at the George Billis Gallery, Chelsea, NYC. Another painting by Kirshner is in the window. (All of these paintings sold).
One of the solo artists, Chris Stott with his paintings at the George Billis Gallery with Kirshner in photo
October 2023
Adventure in Red in window of George BIllis Gallery
October 2023
Acrylic on canvas
A selection of Karen L. Kirshner's paintings for the George Billis Gallery in Chelsea, NYCOctober 2023Group show limited view from the window at the George Billis Gallery
Nassau Illustrated News, Sept. 27- Oct. 3, page 4Announcement and photos of Westbury Arts Exhibition Best in Show recognition for Karen Kirshner's Faith #2.
Karen Kirshner with her artwork at George Biliis Gallery
The artist, Karen Kirshner looks in the window at George Billis Gallery, at her painting The Heart of the Matter, and we see her reflected
LI Herald: East Meadow Edition,May 25-31,, p.32023Story by Mallory Wilson, about the artist and her venture to the big time with a solo exhibition at the George Billis Gallery in Chelsea, NYC
Review of Kirshner's June Solo Chelsea showFall issue 2023"Karen L. Kirshner's Striking Originality," pp. 8-9.
Outside the huge gallery where Kirshner had her Chelsea, NYC solo show in June 2023
Art Gallerist, George Billis with ©Karen L. Kirshner's Facesin the CrowdJune 2023Acrylic
36" x 96"It was just before the reception,at the George Billis Gallery, Chelsea, NY, during K.L.Kirshner's solo exhibition.
News spread, Kirshner was exhibiting in Montauk.
Summer spaces, at the Depot GalleryAugust 17–28, 2023Karen Is exhibiting new and recent work, with Chris Lucore and Amy Pollack.
© Zip-a-dee-do-dah#2/In a Bird's Eye Acrylic on canvas
30x30"The lively and popular painting was completed in 2018. It was exhibited in bj spoke gallery's Art Walk Silent Auction.
© Challenge 1& 2 (Top), 2020 & ©Broadway Lights (2021) (Bottom)Acrylic on canvas boards, and Acrylic on canvas
The Challenge 1 & 2 paintings were mounted together and along with Broadway lights were exhibited again for the bj spoke gallery's exhibition and Art Walk Silent Auction, Oct. 2023.
Karen Kirshner @ Westbury Arts:Inspiration Rediscovered- Mixed Media Masterpieces First Place-Best in Show2023Karen poses with her two 48x36" paintings. Faith #2 is on the left and received First Place &Best in Show. Next to Karen on the right is Curator Meagan Meehan. The juror was Colleen Kinneary of the Nassau County Museum of Art.
Best in Show, Faith #22023Westbury Arts, juried exhibition
Best in Show Faith #2 by Karen L. Kirshner
The awards were announced.Westbury Arts
Kirshner's paintings are a colorful and joyful backdrop.Westbury Arts
Exhibition at the Pictor Gallery in Chelsea, NYC2023Kirshner had two 12” x 12” paintings on exhibit as guest artist of Artist/metal sculptor Michele Benjamin.
Three important members of the Womem in the arts foundation
President of the Women in the arts foundation, also, a guest artist in the exhibition displaying a card promoting her solo show at the National art league.Helaine Soller, president of WIAF with member Karen Kirshner
Karen Kirshner, with one of her two paintings on exhibit2023©️ Karen L., Kirshner, No place to hide. All rights reserved.
©️ Karen L., Kirshner, Premonition of a hobby-horse, 2023This is the second painting in the same Pictor Gallery exhibition. All rights reserved.
Chatting among artist, friends, or participating in the exhibition
Karen Kirshner’s art posing for a photo beside her work.
Karen L. Kirshner has been nominated Best Artist/Painter in Nassau County 2023.
Summer show where Jackson Pollock exhibited his work…The artwork of 71 Long Island artists (including two of Kirshner’s) is on exhibit.
Sharing her abstract art with the worldMay 25-31, 2023LI Herald article, announcing the Chelsea, NYC solo exhibition, June 1-29,2023
The BIG Picture A juried exhibition, Art League of Long Island in Dix Hills, NY
Karen Kirshner with her paintimg,in the BIG Picture Exhibition2023©️Windows to a New World, 2022. 48 x 36” acrylic
We were Conversing with Neil Slaughter, The artist and art professor, who is also in the same exhibition
Eleanor P. With Dan Christoffel,, artist and art professorEleanor asked him if he remembered having given Karen Kirshner the Award of excellence in 2019, and that he recognized her genius. He said he did. Ms. Kirshner did not forget when he told her that in Abstract art, there are very few original artists, in current times, and that Karen one of the is rare. . Kirshner thinks he’s a rarity, because he’s not only a classical artist with great talent and skill, but he also has knowledge of Abstract Expressionism, having done his thesis on it.
The six National Association of Women Artists, who are all selected for the jury for the BIG picture exhibitionKirshner is among the six.
Entering the One Art space Gallery, for the annual exhibitionTribeca, NYC
Karen Kirshner’s art with her painting Exodus on the front wall,
The artist Karen Kirshner’s art, summer for smaller works at Stu Art Supplies in Baldwin, NYPhoto by Andy.
The invitation postcard to Karen's Solo exhibition in Chelsea2023You are welcome to attend the opening reception at the George BIllis Gallery , 527 West 23rd Street, NYC, at 6PM on Thursday, June 1. The show runs until June 29.
The artist, Karen, Kirshner, in front of her painting, Faces in the crowdAt the George Billis gallery solo show June 2023
Looking at Kirshner’s painting in the window of the George Billis galleryThe painting is Karen L. Kirshner’s ©️The heart of the matter.
Gallery owner, George Billis with Artist and Karen L. Kirshner, in front of her painting,©️Faces in the Crowd. At the reception for her solo show at the George Billis gallery on June 1, 2023
Karen Kirshner with sculptor Anne Stanner, by Kirshner’s paintingFaith #2 At the George Billis gallery in Chelsea
Karen Kirshner discussing her painting...
A few reception visitors at Kirshner's After the storm painiting.
On the artist with fellow artist, Francisco Villagran. They are standing in front of Kirshner’s paintings, ©️Fantasia, and ©️Fantasia 2.
More people at my solo show
June 1, 2023
George Billis posed with Kirshner's ©Faces in the CrowdAcrylic on canvas
96 in. x 36 in. This was at Kirshner's solo June 2023 exhibition at the George Billis Gallery, in Chelsea, NYC.
Reception continues....
June 1, 2023 at George Billis Gallery
An intellectual property thief? That is ©️Karen Kirshner’s Magical Moment. One thing the artist hates most is when someone takes a photo of her work, without first asking for her permission. No one is entitled to steal creative imagery and vignettes for their own unauthorized use.
Another unfortuate intellectual property theft? A small segment of Kirshner's painting was shot and enlarged by this stranger. Photos should not be permitted in exhibitions, except for promotional purposes.What will this young man do with the detailed photo he shot and enlarged on his phone? He looks delighted with it.
Hopefully, for his sake he realizes the art is fully copyright protected, and all rights are reserved. I'm glad the photographer for my show caught these guys on camera!
East Meadow Herald, May 25-31, 2023, p. 32023"Sharing abstract art with the world" by Mallory Wilson, Editor. The publication online version will be available, as well. Only two minor corrections: July 2015 Betty Kirshner died and Karen threw herself into her art. and never looked back. and Karen exhibited in the George Billis Westport, CT gallery twice.
©️city Limits,Photo by Karen Kirshner
The Long Island Truth Tellers exhibition
©️Karen L. Kirshner, Asylum-Seekers
Kirshner with her painting Asylum-seekers on exhibit in,Long Island CityTruth tellers, juried exhibition, June 2023
Thati is a very talented artist friend, John Mellilo who kindly posed in front of Kirshner's painting,©️Karen L. , Kirshner, Chjtter-Chatter. At the June 9, 2023 reception for the Huntington Arts Council Members Showcase.
Karen Kirshner with three of her pop-surreal-abstractsThere was Follow my lead, Come to the Jamboree, and the big one is I read your letter. Shadow fell on the riht side of I ready your letter, it was not darker in the actual painting, which really pops.
InVision with the New York Society of Women ArtistsThe exhibition's at the Jeannie Tengelsen Gallery, at the Art League of LI, Dix Hills, NY.
Karen Kirshner’s “Windows to a new world” has been accepted in the Art League of Long Island’s Juried 2023 exhibition. The juror is Simon Levenson
Artists Alliance of East Hampton's Spring Show was at a TV studio.
Karen Kirshner with three popular paintings with AAEH 2023Spring Exhibition of the Artists Alliance of East Hampton at the LTV studio location. The lighting was superb. The walls were temporary.
The Huntington Art Walk happens on Sunday May 21. See you at bj spoke gallery!
The great art critic, Jerry Saltz He's a warm, brilliant and funny guy!
The Mission2022Acrylic on canvasq
24x20"At NAWA's annual members exhibition with award.
Karen Kirshner with painting, The Mission at Queens College Art CenterNew York Society of Women Artists' Exhibition "60 Together, 100 Stong" celebrating Women's History, Spring 2023. Note, the painting received the National Association of Women Artists' S. Magnet Knapp Award (for best painting on canvas) in the annual membership exhibition, 2022.
Women in the Arts Foundation Exhibition in Peekskill, NY"CREATIVE JOURNEY 2023" at the Field Library in Peekskill, during the month of March.
Red Scene
The Center for Contemporary Art, "2022 International Juried Exhibition," Bedminster, NJ, 2022
©The Heart of the Matter!
with artists Lori Horowitz (center) and Lorraine Rimmelin (right)
"Artist's Choice," b.j. spoke gallery, Huntington, NY, 2121
Karen Kirshner with Red Scene in the WIAF Creative Journey Exhibition
March 2023
Karen and niece at Paramount for Karen's Spotligh Exhibit
Newsday included a story about me In Faces of Long Island 2023
The artist, Karen Kirshner, at the Depot Gallery in Montauk, NY
One of the walls of paintings by Karen L. Kirshner, at the Paramount, 2022
Camelback Gallery, 2022 Abstracts with Red International Juried Competition, Scottsdale AZ, online exhibition, BRONZE AWARD
Surreal Journey
Art Essex Gallery, "Invitational Group Exhibition," Westport, CT, 2022
Every Ounce, Anomoly, After Irma
National League of American Pen Women, Shelter Rock Art Gallery, Manhasset, NY, 2019
Trolley Barn Gallery, "Double Take International Juried Art Exhibition," Poughkeepsie, NY, January 21 - February 24, 2022
Trolley Barn Gallery, "Double Take International Juried Art Exhibition," Poughkeepsie, NY, January 21 - February 24, 2022
© Madonna: Past & Present (Queen of Pop)
b.j. spoke gallery, Huntington, NY, 2019
©Razzle Dazzle
The University of Southern Mississippi National Juried Painting Exhibition, Hattiesburg, MS, 2019
Kirshner chats with fellow artist Lori Horowitz2022At the Everyting is Possible Exhibition, Long Island Museum, 2022. Kirshner's paintng is beside her
The National League of American pen women -Long Island branch Exhibition at the Jericho Public library, Jericho, NY2023Three of Karen and Kirshner’s paintings were on exhibit as one entered the gallery.
The Depot gallery reception. A man is Looking at Kirshner’s painting.September 24, 2022.
Collectors of my work came to meet me, and to see my exhibition ar the Paramount2022At the Paramount Spotlight in Huntington, NY
Solo show at Sunrise/Westfield mallIt was like I had my own gallery next to Macy’s!
National Art League Small & Big Works ShowFebruary 2023The Linda Jaffe Special Award for abstract painting
Back of Special Award Ribbon
Jupiter's Infatuation awarded at National Art LeagueAcrylic
40x40The painting was in the National Art League's Small & Big Exhibition, juried by Debbie Wells and it received the Special Linda Jaffee Award (for best abstract painting), March 2023
Juror's review of Jupiter's Infatuation at NAL
Letter from Sondra Farganis, PhD. of Vassar and The New School
International juried exhibition
Karen L. Kirshner, winner of an Award of Exellence with juror Professor Dan Christoffel, of LIU, and artist Dan Corey on right2019The award was given for Red Scene 3 at The Art League of Long Island "Member's Exhibition" 2019.
Letter from NLAPW Past National President
Women in the Arts Foundation exhibition in Peekskill, is cited in this feature article. Kirshner‘s painting,©️Red Scene is highlighted
An admirer of Kirshner's paintings at the 9 for 19 First Street Gallery Exnibition2023Acrylic
©Karen L. Kirshner, Jupiter's Infatuation.
The Artist, Karen L. Kirshner with two of the three paintings in the 9 for 19 First Street Gallery Exhibition2023Acrylic
©Karen L. Kirshner, Fiesta and Garden Party.
Jupiter's infatuation, one of Kirshner's large paintings in the 9 for 19 Exhibition
40 x40"
Certificate for Fantasia (1) in My Best Work of 2022 (International juried competition)2023Acrylic
Camelback Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ. A Virtual exhibition.
Yellow River Running on exhibit (middle) at b.j. spoke gallery 2023Acrylic on canvas
40x40"©Karen L. Kirshner
Admirers of Kirshner’s work, BJ Spoke Gallery2022©️Windows to a New World, 2022
Surreal journey, at the National Art League
Surreal journey on exhibit at NAL 2022This is the sister painting to the Heart of the of the matter!, on exhibit at the Long Island Museum, in Stony Brook, NY. Surreal journey is on exhibit at the National Art League, Douglaston, NY.
Chitter-Chatter by KLKirshner at BJ Spoke
©Karen L. Kirshner, The Heart of the Matter!, at the Long Island Museum2022On exhibit in the LIMarts show, Everything is Possible. The LIM is a Smithsonian annex.
An admirer studies Kirshner's piece2022Long Island Museum
Kirhner is in this exhibition with © The Answer to Unasked Questions
A visit to Edward Hopper boyhood home, Nyack,NY
Sitting outside Edward Hopper’s boyhood home2022Sitting outside Edward Hopper’s boyhood home
Some people examining the paintings at LI Museum, during reception
LIMuseum, Wish You Were Here postcard exhibition/fundraiser
Karen Kirshner points to the postcard she created for the Wishing You Were Here exhibition/fundraiser2022All of a sudden a few artists nicknamed her the new Picasso of our time. She wondered if it was related to the postcard or to the painting on display or just in general. To Karen it is the greatest compliment, because Picasso has always been her favorite artist and Guernica her favorite painting. She had seen the original massive painting in Spain.
NAWA Juried Small Works Exhibition2020Acrylic
12“ x 12“©️Talk of the town,, was accepted for this exhibition, and the painting was sold in the solo show at Bj Spoke Gallery in 2020.
Wishing you were here, LI Museum. Postcard Exhibition
Markers colored pencils and acrylic paint on paper
4 x 6 in
An original snow sleigh from an earlier timeLong Island Museum
Fantasia 22022Acrylic on canvas
40 x 40"An exhibit at BJ Spoke Gallery, Huntington, NY
Taller Boricua Gallery, "Evolution/Revolution," New York Society of Women Artists, East Harlem, NY, 2022
Karen L. Kirshner with her awarded painting, ©The Mission2022Acrylic
24x20"Inspired by the rush to safety and escape in Ukraine.
NAWA S. Magnet Knapp Memorial Award
Donna Corvi of AAEH and Montauk Art Assn. won an award for her masterful painting of non-realistic trees. 2022You must go to the One Art Space Gallery in Tribeca and see the painting before the exhibition closes on Oct. 29.
The artist at home at one of the easels where she works.Please see the story using the QR code to your right or go to the press links on this website.
Please vote for Karen Kirshner, Best artist/painter on LI!2022Bethpage Bank’s Best of Long Island Competition, Starts on October 1, 2022. The link for voting is on the left side listing on this website.
A visitor to BJ spoke studies ©️Karen K. Kirshner’s The heart of the matter, 2021.Acrylic
40 x 30 inchesIt’s the October Art Walk exhibition. KLKirshner's paintings are both right here and in the third gallery she has a brand new painting entitled,
‘The answer to unasked questions’. Often, she's been told, people come in and spend a lot of time staring at, and studying her paintings. Karen's delighted her paintings draw attention, She said," It would be be lovely if, among the many admirers, one would purchase the piece soon, and brighten their home".
Another admirer of KLKirshner's painting, The Heart of the Matter. bj spoke Gallery art walk group exhibition, Oct. 2022.
© Madonna: Past & Present (Queen of Pop)This painting, last shown at bj spoke, was selected in an international, nationally juried Pop art and illustration OMG, WOW! exhibition at the 311 Gallery in Raleigh, NC, October 7-November 26, 2022
©️Exodus, by Karen L. Kirshner Acrylic on canvas
24x20 inchesPainting on the bottom right at the Barnes Gallery, Garden city South, NY October 2022
Art show at the Barnes GalleryGarden City South, NY
Serendipitous trio of artists2022Depot Gallery, Montauk, NY reception September 24, 2022
One of the walls at the Farmingdale library, where Kirshner’s painting are on display2022National League of American Pen Women
KLKirshner with ©️Come to the Jamboree and ©️Catch of the dayMarch 2022Acrylic on canvas
National League of American pen women LI branch fall exhibition, farmingdale Public Library, NY
Karen Kirshner with some of her paintings on exhibit2022Serendipitous, Depot Gallery, Montauk, NY
September 22 – October 3
Karen Kirshner talks with an admirer of her artwork2022Acrylic
24 x 20 inchesPainting on bottom right. Barnes Gallery
Flyer announcing National League of American pen women exhibition
Partial view of Karen L. Kirshner,’s paintings exhibited in Serendipitous2022©️ Karen L. Kirshner, 2022 There were 11 Kirshner paintings on exhibit, in various sizes.
The reception at The depot gallery.One of my paintings is the green one on the far wall. The reception l for serendipitous was on Saturday, September 24. It looks like some of these people are looking at my painting. I didn’t know a single person at the reception.
Kirshner's artwork at the Depot Gallery in 2022
2022 Montauk Exhibition of Kirshner's work...
Karen Kirshner outside the Depot Gallery
The Depot Gallery, Montauk, NY
©️The Montauk lighthousePhoto by Karen L. Kirshner, 2022
Serendipitous, September 24 to October 3, 2022Depot gallery, Montauk, NY
Donna Corvi’s setting up for the Serendipitous exhibition2022Depot Gallery, Montauk, being set up, curated by Chris Lacore, opens the next day, September 22, 2022.
Two strangers are focused on my paintings.Serendipitous exhibit at the Depot Gallery, Montauk, LI, NY
Three Kirshner paintings on one of the walls at the exhibition2022Acrylic
Among the 11 paintings on exhibit in the Serendipitous exhibition.
Orchestration in red, iIn the pink, and Sudden Celebrity2021& 202210x30 inchesThree of Kirshner’s paintings on exhibit, the Depot Gallery ©️ Karen L. Kirshner
Selfie of the artist, Karen L. Kirshner, at Montauk Beach.
©️ Karen L. Kirshner, at the end of Long Island.
Karen received Second Place - for Realism at Westbury Arts2022Pen & Ink, watercolor paint, colored pencils and collage
The exhibition of Uncovered Treasure was curated by Meagan Meehan. It is exclusively mixed media. There was no time limit on when the work was completed. Winning in the "Realism" category was the highlight of Karen's evening. (She did not enter anything abstract, for a change).
The artist, Karen L. Kirshner at Art Market Hamptons2022George Billis Gallery booth # A 19
Karen L.Kirshner with her painting, ©Faces in the Crowd2022Acrylic
36"x96" George Billis Gallery booth, Art Market Hamptons, Water Mill, NY
Karen' artwork was on exhibit at Art Market Hamptons 2022George Billis moved works, artist friends visited, and KK touched up a painting on-site before the show.
bj spoke's gallery was full of people at the reception for Artists' Choice 2022
Grainne De Buitlear's social media posting of the Kirshner announcementNote: Although the © symbol is missing here in the promo piece, Karen Kirshner's After the Storm is copyright protected by the US Copyright office.
Karen L. Kirshner's PIZZAZZ in the Spotlight2022Large paintings
Karen's Solo Spotlight Exhibition is at Huntington's popular Paramount Theater, June 15 (Preview Reception 7-8 PM), thru to July 31, 2022. Admission is free to the public.
In PIZZAZZ at the Spotlight, Paramount
Some of Karen L. KIrshner's artwork at the Paramount2022The lighting over each painting is excellent inside the Paramount, for viewing, but when photographed the color filters interfere.
Collectors of my workTwo admirers of my work, who've purchased a painting and prints of my work at bj spoke gallery attended the reception at the Paramount.
Karen Kirshner's Spotlight Exhibition at the Paramount2022The artist snuggles in a pose with her pregnant niece Rachel at PIZZAZZ, the Spotlight solo exhibition of large works by Karen L. Kirshner at the Paramount, 370 New York Ave., Huntington, NY. June 14-July 31, 2022
Karen Kirshner with a favorite painting, ©Faith #2Acrylic on canvas
48x36Seen at PIZZAZZ, Kirshner's Spotlight solo show at the Paramount, Huntington, NY
©Karen L. Kirshner's Fiesta at the Paramount ExhibitionAcrylic
48x36"One of the paintings in Kirshner's PIZZAZZ Spotlight Solo Exhibition,at the Paramount, 2022
A serendipitous, unsoloicited letter of praise and support from (unknown to artist) highly regarded Town of Hempstead Councilman!A very special surprise letter!
(Left side wall) Onward & Upward Solo Exhibition2022 bj spoke gallery, Huntington, NY
On top: © Alien Embryo/The Game & Below: © Full Steam Ahead2022Acrylic
10 x 30In the A-HA Moment Series, exhibited at Karen L. Kirshner's Onward & Upward Solo Exhibition
©Sudden Celebrity, 2022, and ©Open Window, 2022, Onward & Upward Exhibition2022Acrylic
10x30" eachIn the A-HA Moment Series by Karen L. Kirshner
©Let the Good Times Roll (top) & ©Orchestration in Red (below)2022In the A-HA Moment Series at Kirshner's Onward & Upward Solo Exhibition.
Window at b.j. spoke with Karen Kirshner's ©"I Read Your Letter" 2022 painting.2022Acrylic
48x36"KLKirshner's Solo Exhibition window, April 27-May 22, 2022.
Karen L. Kirshner's Onward & Upward Solo Exhibition2022©Faces in the Crowd, ©Lost in the Rubble, ©Dance with Me, ©The Mission (Corner left), ©Surreal Journey(Right)
Onward & Upward 2022The A-HA Moment Series at the Onward & Upward Solo Exhibition, bj spoke gallery.The display filled an entire long wall with exciting, colorful, imaginative paintings.
Faces in the Crowd2022Acrylic
36x96"Created by Karen Kirshner for the Onward & Upward Exhibition.
©Lost in the Rubble and ©Dance with Me2022Acrylic on canvas
48x36 eachPrepared for the Onward & Upward Exhibition, Lost in the Rubble inspired by the war in Ukraine. More gestural than usual.
Karen L. Kirshner's Onward & Upward Solo Exhibition Guest Corner2022Acrylic
24x20"The painting is ©Karen L. Kirshner's "Exodus" 2022
Right wall of Kirshner's A-HA-Moment paintings 2022Acrylic
paintings created in color pairs with circles for KLKirshner's Onward & Upward Exhibition.
Karen Kirshner on the Red Carpet for the Donna Drake Show2022CBS Affiliate station- LI Cable TV Channel 10
Karen was interviewed by Donna Drake for the Donna Drake Show, CBS-WLNY, Channel 10,
May 9, 2022, scheduled to air on June 11, 2022.
An art admirer looks closely at my large detailed painting at Ashawagh Hall, East HamptonSpring 2022AAEH exhibition
A message from fellow AAEH artist Marie Lombardi2022A kind note of positive feedback from a young critic.
The NYSWA received a Centenial Proclamation by Senator Kathy Hochul2022The Centennial Proclamation awarded to NYSWA by Governor Kathy Hochul has arrived — The Award will be presented by Marcos Dimas of Taller Boricua and the Puerto Rican Workshop Inc., at their gallery in December (Date TBD). I am proud to be a NYSWA member and to have exhibited in the Evolution/Revolution Exhibition at the Taller Boricua Gallery.
Follow My Lead
LICA-A Long Island City Artists and Culture Lab LIC at The Plaxall Gallery, Long Island City, NY, 2022
Red Scene #3/Thinking Red
Westbury Arts, "Women's History Month Art Exhibition," Westbury, NY, 2022
Blue Series #3/Follow My Lead
Westbury Arts, "Women's History Month Art Exhibition," Westbury, NY, 2022
The Breeze (top, 2nd row from left)
Islip Arts Council Gallery, "Mother Nature," Westfield South Shore Mall, Bay Shore, NY, March 6 - April 27, 2022
Tree of Life (on right)
b.j. spoke gallery, "March Members Exhibition," Huntington, NY, 2022
Rendezvous in Blue (far right bottom)
Surburban Art League, "Members' Art Exhibit," Plainview-Old Bethpage Public Library, Plainview, NY, February 4 - 26, 2022
Trolley Barn Gallery, "Double Take International Juried Art Exhibition," Poughkeepsie, NY, January 21 - February 24, 2022
© Surreal Journey
Art Essex Gallery, "Invitational Group Exhibition," Westport, CT, 2022
© Surreal Journey
Art Essex Gallery (George Billis Gallery) opening reception, Westport, CT, 1/15/22
© Surreal Journey
Karen L. Kirshner at the Art Essex Gallery (George Billis Gallery) opening reception, Westport, CT, 1/15/22
Red Scene
The Center for Contemporary Art, "2022 International Juried Exhibition," Bedminster, NJ, 2022
Jupiter's Folly and Jupiter's Infaturation
RED DOT MIAMI, George Billis Gallery, Miami, FL, December 1-5, 2021
Fiesta (left), Jupiter's Folly and Jupiter's Infatuation (right)
RED DOT MIAMI, George Billis Gallery, Miami, FL, December 1-5, 2021
Jupiter's Folly and Jupiter's Infatuation
RED DOT MIAMI, George Billis Gallery, Miami, FL, December 1-5, 2021
Garden Party
LIC-A Long Island City Artists, "Members Showcase 2021," Plaxall Gallery, Long Island City, NY, 2021
Garden Party
RED DOT MIAMI, George Billis Gallery, Miami, FL, December 1-5, 2021
A watercolor painting by Bettty B. Kirshner, Karen's mother
Garden Party
LIC-A Long Island City Artists, "Members Showcase 2021," Plaxall Gallery, Long Island City, NY, 2021
Holding On (top)
Long Island Museum, "Fragile," Stony Brook, NY, 2021
Two small works by Karen L. Kirshner, on exhibit, Gardener's Mill Cottage Gallery, East Hampton, NY, December 11 - January 1, 2022Acrylic
©City Living (top) and ©Go Party!
Red Scene
The University of Southern Mississippi, "National Juried Painting Exhibition," Hattiesburg, MS, 2021
Red Scene #1 (detail)
The University of Southern Mississippi, "National Juried Painting Exhibition," Hattiesburg, MS, 2021
Magical Moment (left), Fantabulous (right top), City Living and Concerto (right bottom)
Market Art + Design Hamptons, Bridgehampton, NY, 2021
in front of "Magical Moment"
Market Art + Design Hamptons, Bridgehampton, NY, 2021
The Heart of the Matter!
with artists Lori Horowitz (sculpture), Lorraine Rimmelin (landscapes) and Joyce Kubat (right)
"Artist's Choice," b.j. spoke gallery, Huntington, NY, 2121
Abundance (2nd from right)
George Billis Gallery, LIVE SUMMER INVITATIONAL SHOW, Westport, CT, 2021
Southampton Arts Center, "Artisan Fair," Southampton, NY, 2021
Southampton Arts Center, "Artisan Fair," Southampton, NY, 2021
Southampton Arts Center, "Artisan Fair," Southampton, NY, 2021
Southampton Arts Center, "Artisan Fair," Southampton, NY, 2021
Fantabulous, wrapped for pick up from framer
Instagram comment by @stu_art_suppplies, 2021:
"We @stu_art_supplies love working on your artwork. The spectacular depth of colors and shear intensity of design are wonderful. Thank you for your trust and loyalty in www.stu-artsupplies."
Red Scene
ADC Fine Art Gallery, "Art Comes Alive (ACA) National Competititon," Cincinnati, OH, 2021
All Mixed Up (left in photo)
Art League of Long Island, "Count Me In/Artist of the Day Fundraiser," Dix Hills, NY, 2020
Into the Blue #2, Into the Blue
LIC-A Long Island City Artists, "LICA @ Atlantic 2020," Atlantic Gallery, Chelsea, NY
Burying the Hatchet #2/Going Native
Flaming Abstracts on Instagram, 2020
©️Garden partyLIC-A Long Island City Artists, "Members Showcase 2021," Plaxall Gallery, Long Island City, NY, 2021Acrylic
48x 36 inchesGreat spot in the great gallery.
Talk of the Town
National Association of Women Artists, "Small Works Winter 2020, Juried Show," NY, NY, 2020
Boogie Woogie, Merit Award
National League of American Pen Women, 2020
Come to the Jamboree
Islip Art Museum, "Art at 50 plus: NEW BEGINNINGS, 2020," East Islip, NY, 2020
Rhapsody #4
New York Society of Women Artists, "Female Gender Identity and Equality," Iona College Arts Center, New Rochelle, NY, 2020
Red Scene #3
Guild Hall, "82nd Artist Members Exhibition," East Hampton, NY, 2020
Rivaling Faith
b.j. spoke gallery, Spoke/IN online magazine, cover artist, Volume 1, Issue 4, February 2019
NYSWA, New York Society of Women Artists
at Gracie Mansion, NY, NY, by special invitation of the Mayor’s office to see an exhibition of women’s artwork, 2019
NAWA, National Association of Women Artists
induction at the Rubin Museum, NY, NY, 2019
Rivaling Faith/Moving On
Long Island Museum, "Anything Goes," Stony Brook, NY, 2019
Duo (bottom left), Rhapsody #4 (top right)
Islip Art Museum, "ART at 50-PLUS," East Islip, NY, 2019
After Irma
National League of American Pen Women, Shelter Rock Art Gallery, Manhasset, NY, 2019
Every Ounce
National League of American Pen Women, Shelter Rock Art Gallery, Manhasset, NY, 2019
BLINK catalog, 2019, page 135
Razzle Dazzle
The University of Southern Mississippi National Juried Painting Exhibition, Hattiesburg, MS, 2019
Razzle Dazzle
The University of Southern Mississippi National Juried Painting Exhibition, Hattiesburg, MS, 2019
Razzle Dazzle
The University of Southern Mississippi National Juried Painting Exhibition, Hattiesburg, MS, 2019
Madonna: Past & Present (Queen of Pop)
b.j. spoke gallery, Huntington, NY, 2019
Artwork of The Week
Hamptons Art Hub, 2019
Roslyn News: Abstract Art On Display At The Bryant Library
September 1 - October 31, 2019
©Karen L. Kirshner's Blue-Squared and Red Scene 32020Acrylic
72x72" & 24x24"Part of a wall at Kirshner'solo exhibition, Color Blast, bj spoke gallery, 2020.
Rhapsody #3/All that Jazz, Rivaling Faith/Moving On, All Mixed Up
National Art League, "Artist of the Month for September," Douglaston, NY, 2019
The White Room Gallery, "Black & White," Bridgehampton, NY, 2019
Modern Times
with artists (left) Carolyn Kaplowitz and (center) Joyce Kubat
b.j. spoke gallery, "Artists' Choice," Huntington, NY, 2019
New Hyde Park Herald Courier: Artists Choice exhibit returns to b.j. spoke
b.j. spoke gallery, "Artists' Choice," Huntington, NY, 2019
Burying the Hatchet/Going Native
b.j. spoke gallery, Huntington, NY, 2018
©Elle, with her portrait by Karen L. Kirshner on exhibitAcrylic on canvas
40x30"A natural star, Elle is thrilled with her portrait, demonstrating her enthusiasm in Karen's photo.
b.j. spoke gallery, "ABSTRACT WORLD," Huntington, NY, 2018
Lost in the City
b.j. spoke gallery, "ABSTRACT WORLD," Huntington, NY, 2018
Big & Small Works Show 2018The National Art League's Exhibition news included a photo of the winners, and Karen Kirshner iwas one of them.
Lost in the City
b.j. spoke gallery, "ABSTRACT WORLD," Huntington, NY, 2018
solo exhibit
b.j. spoke gallery, "ABSTRACT WORLD," Huntington, NY, 2018
solo exhibit
b.j. spoke gallery, "ABSTRACT WORLD," Huntington, NY, 2018
Rivaling Faith (left bottom)
ADC Fine Art Gallery, Art Comes Alive (ACA) National Competititon, Cincinnati, OH, 2018
Rhapsody #4
The White Room Gallery, "Outside the Box," Bridgehampton, NY, 2018
Rhapsody #4
with Jackie Fuchs, Steve Cohen, (me) and Donna Bernstein
The White Room Gallery, "Outside the Box," Bridgehampton, NY, 2018
with Billy Joel
The White Room Gallery, "Outside the Box," Bridgehampton, NY, 2018
Elephant Crush
Long Island Museum, "Animal Kingdon: From Tame to Wild," Stony Brook, NY, 2017
East Meadow Public Library, "Mother-Daughter Art Show," East Meadow, NY, 2016
Razzle Dazzle
BLINK catalog, 2018, page 149
BLINK catalog, 2018, page 149
BLINK catalog, 2018, page 149
Wall of Tiles, mosaic of gallery artists
The White Room Gallery, Bridgehampton, NY, 2019
Town of Oyster Bay Rotating Artist2015-16Karen L. Kirshner was accepted into the Town of Oyster Bary Rotating Artist program and exhibited in numerous local venues during 2016.
1stdibs online, 2019
Karen on farl left, Mark and Abby, her siglings in a suitcasee1960sA photo taken by Kirshner's dad, Sam, who loved to take great photos. He may have shot this one for one of his agency's ads. He was a lawyer and co-owned an ran a successful business to business advertising agency in Manhattan and LI.
Award winner, 1976Teenager Karen Kirshner with her pen & ink drawing (surreal bowl of fruit) with award ribbon from the Firehouse Gallery, Nassau Community College, Garden City, NYAlways encouraging her daughter to pursue art and exhibit, Karen's artist mother Betty Kirshner entered Karen's work in the show. It was a pleasant surprise to receive the award in a juried adult exhibition. The Firehouse Gallery director at the time told Betty that Karen wasn't really supposed to be entered, at age 16, and yet she was the exception and permitted to retain the honor.
Le Figaro Cafe, Greenwich Village, NY, 1982
The Artist's mother, artist Betty B. Kirshnerca. 1995Betty's PEOPLE solo exhibition on Long Island, NY.
The artist’s mother, humanist Expressionist Betty Kirshner at her solo show’ “ People”.
©Women at leisure, by Betty B. Kirshner
Acrylic on canvas
Betty B. Kirshner won first place in a national competition and her painting, Ruminating Artist was hung here in the Chelsea Mansion/ House, LI, NYKaren and Betty were together at Betty's receptions. and exhibited together at various times.
Ruminating Artistca. 1990-96Acrylic on canvas
©Betty B. Kirshner. All rights reserved. This painting, by Karen's mother, received a national award in a major national competition.
Karen's Mom, artist and p/t art teacher, in a self-portrait by Betty B. Kirshner
All images copyright © Karen L Kirshner 2018-2025, all rights reserved.