S t a t e m e n t
I have always been a creative who thinks "outside the box". Art is easiest for me; it flows from whatever I've been thinking about, emotion, and soul and takes shape — from intrinsic importance to physical reality.… From nothingness comes something to share. My paintings are bright, colorful, and invigorating and I’ve been told and seen firsthand that they lift people’s spirits. A visitor to one of my shows commented, "Your paintings are so happy" and I responded, "that’s because I’m happy when I’m painting them".
I have two original styles. The first is "Complex Abstracts". A critic once said of them a few years back that they seem to be an "organized chaos". I prefer to be more positive and see them as "Intelligent Abstracts". I created the style. In addition to my proclivity for the complex and unorthodox approach, I love surrealism and I have an abstract surrealistic style that I refer to as my "Pop/Surrealistic Abstracts".
Although my mother was my first artist role model, I completed innumerable art courses and workshops over the years, I follow my own drumbeat, and work passionately, and intuitively. I refuse to follow others’ rules. People have told me that the colors I’ve used others don’t dare put together because they’re "not supposed to", and then when I do it, they exclaim, "it works". You can call me an "intuitive painter," "a colorist," or "an abstract-surrealistic organic and geometric anarchist". Whatever you call me, I hope you like what you see. – Karen Kirshner